
Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Sciences


This study concentrates on the connection between the commercial streets and the sustainability of neighborhoods by using Al- Adhamiya in Baghdad as a case study. The gap of knowledge lays in the limited realization of how the spatial features of commercial streets contribute to the sustainability of the neighborhood. The purpose of the study is to assess the current condition of the commercial streets for the sake of determining how their spatial characteristics contribute to the sustainable urban development in a quantitative way. The research used the mixed- method approach (analysis of previous studies and development of a theoretical framework combining the selected research vocabulary, quantitative analysis using computer programs of the research case study). The research uses DepthmapX0.8.0 metrics, just like connectivity, choice, control, integration, intelligibility, synergy and visual graph analysis. These metrics are used to evaluate the permeability and social dynamics of the streets in the area of the study, which consists a historic and commercial centre presenting a mix of the traditional and the modern architectural styles. The study highlights the fundamental role of the commercial streets, such as Corniche Street and Imam Al-Azam Street, in enhancing accessibility and promoting social interaction, which are crucial elements in achieving the sustainable urban development. However, some challenges such as the hybrid nature of the urban fabric affects the intelligibility and synergy of the area. The study emphasizes the importance of the integrated urban planning in the improvement of connectivity and balance historical preservation with the urban expansion of long- term sustainability.


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