Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Sciences
- Philosophy of Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Sciences
- Who Can Submit?
- General Submission Rules
- Publication Fees
- Article Types
- Peer Review Procedures
- Formatting Requirements
- Rights for Authors and Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Sciences
Philosophy of Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Sciences
For more information, please see Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Sciences Aims and Scope page.
Who Can Submit?
Anyone may submit an original manuscript to be considered for publication in Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Science provided he or she owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the manuscript. Authors are the initial owners of the copyrights to their works before publication (an exception in the non-academic world to this might exist if the authors have, as a condition of employment, agreed to transfer copyright to their employer).
General Submission Rules
- Manuscripts must be written in English and have been 'spell and grammar checked'.
- All manuscripts are subject to a plagiarism check and the accepted limit for plagiarism is 15%.
- The Manuscript is submitted in the editable format of word processing file.
- Submitted articles cannot have been previously published, nor be forthcoming in an archival journal or book (print or electronic).
Please note: "publication" in a working-paper series does not constitute prior publication. In addition, by submitting material to Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Science, the author is stipulating that the material is not currently under review at another journal (electronic or print) and that he or she will not submit the material to another journal (electronic or print) until the completion of the editorial decision process at Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Science. If you have concerns about the submission terms for Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Science, please contact the editors.
Publication Fees
Articles published in BJEPS are totally free of charge (no publication fees required) for all authors.
Article Types
- Original Articles: detail original experiments and research conducted by the authors. Research on topics covered by the journal is accepted, provided it falls within the aims and scope of the journal. Original research should add to scientific knowledge on the subject, and all human and animal studies must be completed in accordance with ethical principles and institutional approvals. An unstructured Abstract of no more than 300 words should be included.
- Review Articles: provide a detailed examination of a medical, scientific, therapeutic technique and regime. These reviews reflect the current state of the field based primarily on the literature and unlike an original research article, it won’t present new experimental results. Review articles can identify potential research areas and draw new conclusions from the existing data.
Peer Review Procedures
All manuscripts submitted to BJEPS are subject to double-blind peer review system. This review consists of the following steps:
- Initial submissions are reviewed by the Editor to ensure adherence to BJEPS policies.
- Submissions may then be assigned to an Editorial Board member or other reviewer for evaluation based on the BJEPS publication criteria.
- The BJEPS submissions are evaluated by three external peer reviewers, then, the decision will be made on the opinion of two of the three reviewers. The Editor decides whether reviews from additional experts are needed to evaluate the manuscript, but it is up to the Editor to determine the number of reviews>
- Because BJEPS is committed to a transparent review process, all manuscript reviews will be signed by the reviewer.
- After evaluation, the Editor chooses among the following reviewer and/or Editorial Board member recommendations for decision:
- Accept
- Minor Revision
- Major Revision
- Reject
- The editorial board have the right for early rejection of any submitted manuscript.
- If the decision is Minor Revision or Major Revision, authors have 30 days to resubmit the revised manuscript and the editorial board has the right to extend the period of revision.
- The author will be notified upon final decision via email.
Formatting Requirements
Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Sciences has no general rules about the formatting of articles upon initial submission. There are, however, rules governing the formatting of the final submission. See Author Submission Guidelines for details. Although bepress can provide limited technical support, it is ultimately the responsibility of the author to produce an electronic version of the article as a high-quality PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) file, or a Microsoft Word, WordPerfect or RTF file that can be converted to a PDF file.
It is understood that the current state of technology of Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) is such that there are no, and can be no, guarantees that documents in PDF will work perfectly with all possible hardware and software configurations that readers may have.
Rights for Authors and Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Sciences
This journal uses a non-exclusive licensing agreement (the Submission Agreement). Authors will assign copyright to Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Sciences beside publishing and distribution rights.
User Rights
All articles published open access will be immediately free for everyone to read, download, copy, and distribute. Permitted third party reuse is defined by your choice of one of the following user licenses/the following user license of Creative Commons (CC BY-NC - Creative Commons Attribution:Non-Commercial License) which allows users to copy, distribute and transmit an article, and adapt the article as long as the author is attributed and the article is not used for commercial purposes.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC)
General Terms and Conditions of Use
Users of the Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Science website and/or software agree not to misuse the Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Science service or software in any way.
The failure of Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Science to exercise or enforce any right or provision in the policies or the Submission Agreement does not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any term of the Submission Agreement or these policies is found to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of the Submission Agreement and these policies remain in full force and effect. These policies and the Submission Agreement constitute the entire agreement between Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Science and the Author(s) regarding submission of the Article
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