
Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Sciences


With the increasing availability of textual information in various languages via the Internet in homes and companies through Internet and intranet services, there is an urgent need for the technologies and tools necessary to process this information, phonetic representation, and voice interaction. For example voice to voice machine translation need to phonetic mapping and similarity among the languages especially for names and foreign words. This one example of the importance of phonetic mapping and similarity. This article aims to describe, in detail, the recent surge in interest and advancements in phonetic similarity (PS), phonetic representation, and phonetic mapping researches. PS and phonetic representation are a fundamental elements in information technology, supporting applications such as search engines, speech recognition and voice to voice MT systems. The importance of PS is demonstrated, the main characteristics of phonetic processing are highlighted, and the standardization aspects in converting text to phonetic representation are clarified. The current study presented a survey of previous studies for a period of time (2000/ 2024). By utilizing advanced AI algorithms and diverse linguistic datasets, new avenues for comprehending the dynamics and alterations of extinct languages over time, as well as, their pronunciation mechanisms, can be explored. This change presents a breakthrough in language learning and cross-cultural communication in addition to being a technical advancement. Additionally, various linguistic resources and approaches used in the PS field are explained. Also, the features of common tools are described, and standard evaluation metrics are illustrated. The article also reviews the current state of art for PS research and converting text to phonetic representation. Finally, we present our analysis and conclusions. Disseminating these findings is crucial for scholars focused on phonetic similarity and its related methodologies.


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