
Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Sciences


The purpose of this project is to implement an Activity Scheduling System in a university setting, specifically focusing on the Federal University, Lafia. The system will utilise higher priority algorithms and critical time to optimise scheduling. The system's objective is to mechanise the process of scheduling activities, minimise conflicts in scheduling, and enhance the efficiency of the activity scheduling system. The suggested system utilizes priority-based algorithms to schedule activities based on the hierarchical order of university officials, including the Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Bursar, Librarian, Directors, Deans, and Department Heads. The study methodology entails doing a comprehensive literature review on Activity scheduling, priority-based algorithms, and existing Activity scheduling systems. The study encompasses the depiction of the current Activity scheduling model, the merits and drawbacks of the model, and the formulation of an enhanced model. The enhanced model was developed utilizing PHP as the programming language for the user interface and MySQL for the design and administration of the system's backend. The system's hardware and software requirements were explicitly defined, and the process of programme development and system testing was executed. The system's evaluation metrics encompass the time required for activity scheduling, the quantity of scheduling conflicts, and the overall level of user satisfaction. The proposed Activity scheduling system aims to enhance the efficiency of the Activity scheduling process in the institution, minimise scheduling conflicts, and offer users a superior scheduling experience.


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