
Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Sciences


Traffic congestion at densely populated intersections and large numbers of vehicles negatively affect people's lives. Due to this, governments try to regulate the flow of traffic in an attempt to reduce traffic congestion. A static control system may prevent emergency vehicles because of traffic jams. Traffic light systems (TLs) have acquired increasing attention in avoiding road jams and traffic detection. They are ubiquitous because of their easy installation, faster information transformation, less maintenance, less compact, and cheaper than other networks' options. The proposed TLs use IR sensors to measure vehicle density and in each instruction, there is a microcontroller that manages the traffic signal. The research aims to minimize the waiting time and maximize the serviced number of vehicles at traffic lights at a jammed multi-road intersection. To prove our solution, the proposed system improved the elements needed for modelling microcontrollers and the sensors in the simulation environment. Finally, experiments were executed using codes for the two models; the normal traffic light and the smart traffic light, and comparing the two systems. The results obtained show that the proposed system can improve other used solutions to reduce vehicle trip duration and the cost of expensive systems.


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